Hello, thank you for coming to my website! My name is Gary and I like a lot of things. If you have already explored my website, you could probably tell that I like doing CTFs and making cool things. Here’s some basic info about me:
Senior (class of 2022)
Major: Computer Engineering
Minor: Russian Language
Work Experience
(current) Lab TA for intro to engineering course at UMD [Fall'20, Spring'21, Fall'21]
2021 Internship with Northrop Grumman working on an ASIC design team
2020 Internship with Northrop Grumman working on an ASIC design team
2019 Internship with Northrop Grumman doing Cyber
2018 Internship at a small provate company in Denver, CO doing IT
2017 Internship with my local school district in IT Security (doing penetration testing)
I am passionate about cybersecurity, electrical engineering, computer science, and anything related to space, but my interests continue to grow as I meet new people and learn new things.
CTFs: These capture the flag competitions raise my competitiveness and help me be more flexible when it comes to topics on cryptography, reverse engineering, open source intelligence, and forensics. I really believe I’m gaining a lot out of doing these competitions, especially working with other people in a team!
Video Games: I used to play a load of video games up until my freshman year at UMD because I still had the time then lol. Some games I really liked to play includes Call of Duty and Apex Legends on console. I’ve been trying to play more solo games on my PC like Cyberpunk or games spoken in Russian to up my listening comprehension.
Binge Watching: I usually have periods of full-on productiveness followed by long spurts of laziness, which allows me to feed this love of watching new TV shows or movies. Some of my favorite TV shows include Game of Thrones, Lost, and Silicon Valley. Most of my favorite movies exist in the MCU timeline like the first Iron Man and Avengers Infinity War.